Monday, February 26, 2018

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 8 (Heirloom)

In a family of hoarders, there are many heirlooms to choose from:

Family Silverware

Harry & Gertie (nee Cooper) Allen - 35th Wedding Anniversary
When my Allen grandparents celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary, their adult children presented them with a set of monogrammed silverware (Lady Hamilton pattern) in a wooden chest.  Years later when my Grandmother had died and my Grandfather was in a nursing home, their adult children were disposing of the household items.  The silverware was offered to my father to give to my brother as the oldest grandson and carrying the Allen name.  My mother started to decline as my brother was not married.

Although I wasn't married, I jumped into the conversation and said that I would like the set.  I did not intend to change my name if I ever married (and I did keep my maiden name) and if my brother ever married, I would give him the silverware.  I still have the silverware in the same chest and have added pieces to it over the years - with the support of my husband.


Old Chelsea
I presently have two sets of china passed along to me by family members.  The set given to me from
my mother is a set composing of pieces she had as well as ones given to her by her grandmother Pearl (nee Mumberson) Bates as she had had the same china pattern.  When I was getting married, I choose my fiance and I choose our own pattern and use that set.  The set from my mother sits in our china cabinet.

Blossom Time
The other set of china I have was given to me by my Aunt Lena (my mother's sister).  As she was getting older, she started to dispose of many of her household items and presented me with the set of her china.  It resides in my china cabinet as well.


Every so often, my mother will start going through some of her items and offer them to me.  One such item is a round mirror that had been given to her as a wedding gift in 1949.

Children's Table & Chairs Set

My childhood was spent visiting both sets of grandparents (who lived in the same village) every holiday weekend, as well as extended time at Christmas and summertime.  Quite often, my only female Schell cousin, Mary Lou, who is my age was also visiting at the Schells.  We frequently convinced either our parents or grandparents to retrieve a table and chair set from the attic.  My mother played with the set with her sister during their childhood.

When my grandmother was disposing of the contents of the farm house, I was given the set, as well as a child's rocking chair.

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